Online Postural Screening

Analysed by Nancy Jayne, a Clinical Myotherapist and military trained Imagery Analyst.


Analysed by Nancy Jayne, a Clinical Myotherapist and military trained Imagery analyst. Giving you a precise recording of where your body stands.
This product can be shared with your health and fitness practitioners to help identify your musculoskeletal balance.
Your screening will identify the symmetry of your joints and joint angles.
As your joints are pulled by muscle, you can determine where the tighter muscles are so you know where to stretch.
You will also see where your weaker muscles are to guide your strengthening routine.
Aligning your posture can help prevent injury, relieve pain and increase your mobility and performance.

Program Outline:

Overall body symmetry: symmetrical alignment of the left and right hemispheres
Ankle position: observe for pronation and supination
Foot position: observe for inversion and eversion
Knees: rotation and height discrepancies
Hip adduction and shifting: observe for shifting to a side as witnessed by the position of the pubis in relation to the line of gravity
Alignment of the iliac crests
Alignment of the torso: position of the umbilicus and sternum in relation to the line of gravity
Alignment of the shoulders Arm spacing: observe the space to the sides of the torso
Hand position: observe the position relative to the torso
Head position: alignment of the ears, nose, eyes, and chin

Overall body symmetry: symmetrical alignment of the left and right hemispheres
Alignment of the spine: vertical alignment of the spinous processes (may require forward bending)
Alignment of the scapulae: inferior angle of scapulae and presence of winged scapulae
Alignment of the shoulders Head: alignment of the ears

Overall body symmetry: symmetrical alignment of load-bearing joint landmarks with the line of gravity
Knees: flexion or extension
Pelvic alignment for tilting: relationship of ASIS to PSIS
Spinal curves: observe for thoracic kyphosis, lumbar lordosis, or flat-back position
Shoulder position: forward rounding (protraction) of the scapulae
Head position: neutral cervical curvature (versus forward position) and level (position above the clavicle)

A comprehensive list of potential tight and weak muscles will be synthesised from your postural analysis

Designed based on your potential tight and weak muscles, a corrective exercise program will be provided including:  
Strengthening exercises
Corrective stretches
Muscular release techniques

Nancy Jackson

Nancy is well known for helping people relieve their pain and discomfort. She has been treating since 2014 and enjoys treating neural, fascial and musculoskeletal conditions. Nancy is goal orientated and caters her treatments with your needs and wants.

Her passion began with her own injury in the military which led her to spend a lot of time amongst allied health professionals. It sparked her interest in the human body and how everything works and moves together. Her love for massage and pilates motivated her to learn how to help others figure out their physical puzzles.

After completing her credentials and gaining experience with massage and pilates she specialised in sports and the working population. She was honoured to treat many sporting teams, musicians and athletes such as the cowboys, state of origin, def Leopard, Hans Zimmer and many more.

Continuing to expand her knowledge, education and experience, she worked closely in multi-disciplinary teams while completing a Bachelor of Health Science (clinical Myotherapy) in 2018. Her expanded clinical practice has led her to be an expert managing healthy ageing and maintaining quality of life. Contrasting this with helping elite sports teams and athletes, Nancy is able to provide a more hands on approach with your aches and pains.

In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her family, friends and puppies on the beach or out camping.



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Postural Screening

$100 AUD

  • Analysed by a Clinical Myotherapist

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